Monday, August 16, 2010

All things work for Good

Praise God for His plan...=)
I was suppose to go out of town today, but something happen and didn't make it
i was a bit unhappy about it at that time
but God knows what He is doing
He had a plan for me
Because of that i have to thank to my friend and i really felt it was God...
because of that, i have a sweet fellowship with my Father... Jesus
nobody is at home except me..
i was so happy
because i can sit down and have my time with Jesus WITHOUT any DISTRACTIONS
Praise the Lord
Spend hours reading, seeking and praying...
i had a wonderful time
i am refresh right now...
i am wanting for this time for a long time, where no one is at home and i can pray out loud
finally, He gave me the oppurtunity
Thank you Jesus =)

 computer, Bible, journal, devotion books.
those are things that i cant without having when i am doing my quite time

we are called to be His disciple =)


  1. you're gonna impact so many people in the future with your faith in christ. =) god's proud of you and so am i. hugz. keep growing and sowing. =p

  2. jun...thank you. thank you for what you sow in my life... =)

    aud...thank you for your friendship, i am so blessed of having you in my life.

    love two of you~
