Wednesday, July 27, 2011


The world’s philosophy says,
“What can’t be cured must be endured.”
But in BIble,says the opposite. What can’t be cured makes us dependent on the power of God. In that dependency, His power is given and we are made strong. I’ve come to learn this truth myself. God doesn’t always remove me from my painful circumstances, but He supports me in them. This strengthens me like none other. This is our God. Who faithfully hold us in His hands.

“My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9a(NKJV)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Crazy Night

Do u dare to wear pyjamas in public?

the pyjamas is not just t-shirt and a real pyjamas.

This is what we do last night.

Wearing pyjamas having steamboat in a steamboat restaurant.
pay attention on what we are wearing (>.-)

before this, they were very very reluctant to wear,
they said they don't have pyjamas at home
which is true because most of the guy dont have pyjamas,
their pyjamas is just a t-shirt and short pants.
But thanks to st, she bought those pyjamas for them
So, they have to wear it. hahah

Birthday boy
he is the reason why we are wearing pyjamas in a steamboat restaurant
we let him wear this pyjamas
suit him right. haha ( i chose this pyjamas for him =p)

this was a memorable night, i dare to say that nobody did this before, wearing pyjamas in public plus having steamboat... haha and we did it. 07's Jit Sin Scout really awesome!!!!! 
all of this, we have to thanks to our leong shu tszeeer who plan this event. without her, i don't have such a memorable night. 

group photo~ 
nice right? haha. 


today went for a durian trip at Balik Pulau

this is the most delicious durian that i ever had in my life...( of course they are branded)

this durian, 1kg=Rm15 
=.= expensive lo...

my mom is "ordering" durian. =D

we eat durian in the roadside~ 

i would call this as durian hunting
we stopped by a few place to eat durian
and this is our last stop. =)

yummy yummy... 

I Love Durian

Although we just spent few hours on durian hunting, but it was worth it! 

Penang durian is the best!!!!! 

Friday, July 8, 2011


跑进,跑出, 帮忙找东西, ;但到头来两手空空

下午, 跑去跟我的疯朋友打羽球

好久没打了, 累坏了我的身体。。

打球时, 笑多过运动。。这都归功于我的疯朋友。。

现在,手, 脚 , 真的很酸。。。

再过一会儿, 我又要去跟那群疯朋友见面。。。

不懂又会有什么疯事发生。。 ^ ^


看到他, 心里很高兴, 他还是老样子 ^ ^。。。

哇!!!! 很酸!!!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

headache ~~


my head want to explode already....
want to arrange a meet up also hard!!!!

God, i need Your wisdom,please give me wisdom...


心里肯去做, 才做得成事。
真想做事, 分秒时光也做得成东西。
能够帮助人的, 往往是忙碌的人。
只要有心, 时间是可以安排的。
时间不是死的, 忙人最懂得拿捏。

~不是忙, 而是看你怎么分配时间。 =)
  再忙,只要你愿意, 没有事是不能做的。


Monday, July 4, 2011


我已经很久没有更新文章更不用说用华语来写, 这次向来一个改变, 希望可以做到我要的

之前这个地方是用来让朋友们可以知道我的最新状况, 表达我的想法;感受 以及让读者可以思考生命的意义, 及最重要我从耶稣那里领悟,学到的智慧分享给大家。。

慢慢的, 我变得很没有自律, 变得不常在这里更新消息。。
慢慢地, 我已经忘记我曾经还有一个地方来述说。。

因为一件事情, 让我很想找个地方诉苦, 那时只想说出来而已。。
我又不想到facebook 去说,因为不想全世界的人都知。。

不须太多的文字, 就算一个句子也好, 把自己的想法表达出来。。

why not facebook or twitter? ^ ^
因为在这里我发现, 没有什么朋友来这里, 有也是偶尔性的来看一看
太多account 是很难maintain 的。。
so, why don't' just stick to this? since, no one( except the  one that i know she will, =D ) will come here.

i will still keep the purpose of this blog as a place where i can share His goodness, His word
just that i will socalled " upgrade" it to a place i will update it just like people update their facebook or twitter. =)

hopefully i will be more discipline =D


Saturday, July 2, 2011

After waiting for so long...

last night went to watch the movie that i have been waiting for so long - Transformer 3

It is better than the second one but can't beat the first one. In my heart, the first one still the best!

anyway, worth watching.

I like Optimus Prime!!!!!
Every time, yes every time, when i saw it, i will every excited. my heart beat will increase...
seriously, i aslo don't know why, just like seeing a person u like, very strange...i never have this kind of reaction to a man...only Optimus Prime able to trigger this respond..haha
i like it because his look, voice attracted me but the most important thing is the quotes that he said.
He is awesome. haha.

" You may lose your faith in us, but never in yourself. "
and i will change it to 
"You may lose your faith in yourself,people, but never in Christ who lives in you. " 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Gray Fabric

~ A gray piece of fabric would sit quietly on the shelf each day, desperately longing for someone to notice him. From his place on the dusty shelf, he had a bird’s eye view of all the beautiful fabrics that held so much more potential.
He admired the fabrics of vibrant orange and pink polka dots that would one day be transformed into frilly toddler dresses; the fabrics with elegant stripes that would make fine draperies for beautiful homes; the fabrics with tassels and shimmering coins dangling from their edges; and the myriad of fun fabrics, adorned with colorful cartoon characters.
But he was just a boring old piece of gray fabric.
Nothing special. Nothing elegant. Nothing valuable. Old. Outdated. Worthless.
Certainly nothing worthy of being transformed into anything new and wonderful.
One spring day, a frail elderly woman wandered into the store. The gray piece of fabric could tell she was a seamstress by the wrinkled tape measure around her neck and the rusty thimble on her finger.
As she meandered around the store, continually brushing wisps of white hair from her face, she seemed to be searching for something special. Suddenly, her eyes fell upon the little piece of gray fabric tucked shyly away in the corner.
He dared to think that maybe, just maybe, she would see potential in him.
As the woman drew closer, his heart began to race. She gently picked him up and headed towards the cash register, adding buttons, fabric scraps, and thread to her hands along the way.
When the seamstress returned home, she diligently set about her task. Gradually she transformed the piece of old gray fabric into an adorable new sock monkey, to be loved and cherished by her grandchildren. He made a difference in the hearts of children for many generations.

“You were once just like that little, old piece of fabric, but God transformed you into a new creation, too.”

Christ sees your value and hidden potential. Do you?
~ adopted from Tracie Miles 

2 Corinthians 5 : 17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

You are not of this world

We are called to be set apart in many ways;
 we don't live like the world lives. 
But Jesus also said we are to be a light.
 lighting a candle in a well-lit room doesn't make much of a difference. 
A candle in the dark, however, changes the scene dramatically.
~Glynnis Whitwer