Monday, June 14, 2010

Blueberry picking ~

Few days ago, went to blueberry farm to pick blueberry
was a very new experience...
it was fun.haha
never pick blueberry like this M'sia
So was very new to me.. =D
the day before we go to the farm
the weather forecast reported that, that day in the morning will rain and have thunder storm
as i know, the US forecast is very very accurate
all of us prayed very hard for a good weather
as we know, God is good =D
that morning didn't rain..was a very nice day to pick blueberry...=D
God is good. =D


  1. blueberries are sour... lol. even the 'sweet' blueberries are still abit sour. haha

  2. dear~~send some for me???haha..pos xpress^^haha

  3. HAHHAHAHAZ! Jun reminded me of a chinese proverb =P
