Friday, November 12, 2010

my awesome disciple

i just feel like wanted to upload her photo here...
just to keep it as memory
so that in the future, when i look back, i will smile deep in my heart about how God had place an awesome disciple in my life

my disciple went to another state teach for about 2 months...
so for this few weeks, i have my discipleship with her through skype
before this, we meet face to face every week
after she went to teach, we have changed our setting through skype in order we can continue our discipleship and update our life
and God is good, He allow us to be faithful to come for discipleship although we are apart from one another
so that we can learn His Word, grow, be disciple and more importantly update our life
She is such a wonderful discipleship leader
she is a woman who deeply in love with Jesus, a heart that consumed with fire for Jesus
a woman who feed God's word daily... a humble woman, a woman that will never take credit for herself, all the credit that she received, she will point it to God...
she will listen to my struggle, encourage me, teach me, pray for me, and more importantly are how to love God, how to walk with Jesus in the righteous way
i learn  a lot from really a blessing of having her as my discipler
all in all, i have to thank God for His perfect plan that putting different people in my life =)

some of the pictures that i took secretly when we were skype-ing..hehe
she just got her hair cute...haha
 haha..the moment i took when she is talking. =p
this is the time while she was thinking..haha


oh, and she is a good cook too! she can bake, can cook, she can play piano, drum, guitar, bass and she cut her hair by herself!
she can do almost everything...haha
there are times that she cook satay ....("that's the way to survive in US for 9 years" quoted from her )

Praise God that one more week, she will be back and we can have discipleship face to face. haha =)


  1. neat!!! see, and you were so worried bout getting a discipler in america. hahaha! god always provides!

  2. amen. you remembered me how worried i was and the commitment of praying and fasting. this make me feel i m so so so so so blessed...beyond my words of showing how grateful i am right now. =)
